Rockall 2022 Expedition

In June 2022 a team will land on Rockall Island, more than 200 nautical miles from the West Coast of Scotland and the nearest civilisation. Their intention is to survive on the island for one week and to raise £1,000,000 for Children’s Hospice South West, The Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity and others.

“Conditions were harsh. You get a lot of wind, a lot spray… In the winter the sea goes right over the top - you’d get wiped off the thing.”

Tom McClean, Former SAS and first man to have survived on the island in 1985.

Expedition starts in


The Team

Cam Cameron

Expedition Lead

Chris “Cam” Cameron grew up in Buckie in the Northeast of Scotland and spent much of his time on oil tankers, driven by his father, a master mariner from Findochty. He joined the British Army as A regular infantry soldier and spent 6 years with the Gordon highlanders.

A husband and father of two, he trained as a marine biologist and oceanographer in Aberdeen and holds a PGCE. He is also commercially qualified as a skipper and Yacht-Master Offshore, and has been working professionally at sea since 1992.

He was First inspired to occupy Rockall after listening to a presentation given by The Royal Navy Atlantic Rowing team, by the exploits of the adventurer Nick Hancock and the determination of an old acquaintance; Talan Skeel-Piggins, Paralympic Skier.

Dr Chris Grieco

Expedition Medic

Dr Chris Grieco grew up in the quiet and picturesque Cambridgeshire countryside. He attended University of Bristol to study Medicine and also obtained a Bachelor of Science in Regenerative Medicine from King’s College London. He graduated as a doctor in the 2020 Class of Corona cohort.

His love of the great outdoors has taken him from the seven seas to the top of the highest peak in North Africa, Jebel Toubkal and over 5000m altitude in the North Indian Himalayas and is a five time marathon runner.

He is a survivalist, and has learned to live off the land harvesting mother nature’s gifts and now teaches foraging courses for Tutti.fungi.

Help us to raise £1 million to support our amazing charities.

1 Team Rock Million Pounds ...

The Location

57°35'28.79" N 13°41'11.39" W

Rockall is an uninhabitable granite islet situated in the North Atlantic Ocean. The nearest permanently inhabited place is North Uist, an island in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland, 200NM to the east.

The UK claimed Rockall on 18 September 1955 when “Two Royal Marines and a civilian naturalist, led by Royal Navy officer Lieutenant Commander Desmond Scott, raised a Union flag on the islet and cemented a plaque into the rock”.

Rockall stands at 17.15m above sea level at it’s tallest point, covering an area of just 784.3 m2.

Of the 110 people who have successfully landed at Rockall in over 200 years, only 5 have survived more than one night there.

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The Expedition

In June 2022 a team will land on Rockall Island, more than 200 nautical miles from the West Coast of Scotland, and the nearest civilisation. Their intention is to survive on the tiny island for one week battling winds and waves in order to raise £1,000,000 for charity.

Want to be a Corporate Sponsor?

Get in touch with us to find out more about how you can support the expedition and benefit your business or organisation.

The CHarities

The expedition aims to raise £1 million for a number of amazing charities.

Children's Hospice South West

For more than 25 years Children’s Hospice South West has been caring for children with life-threatening conditions by providing children’s hospice and professional family support services.

They provide care and support to families living in the South West, who have children with life-limiting conditions. They provide specialist palliative care, respite for the whole family, a sibling service for brothers and sisters, emergency support, end of life care and a bereavement service for as long as is needed.

Royal Navy & Royal Marines Charity

The Royal Navy & Royal Marines Charity is the principle charity of the Royal Navy. They exist to support sailors, marines, and their families, for life.

Beneficiaries lie at the heart of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity’s purpose, it is their duty to remain focused on their needs. Since 2007, we have funded projects and facilities that boost morale for those who serve today. They also distribute millions of pounds annually to military charities which care for the children, families and veterans of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines.

More charities to be announced soon

Get Involved with equipment & logistics support

Whether you think you can help us with suitable equipment, or logistical support, talk to us today to find out how you can help and how we can benefit your organisation.

Our Supporters

We already have a number of amazing companies who have pledged their support to our expedition.

Rockall - The Edge of Existence (Documentary)

Filmmaker Aaron Wheeler and team are making a documentary about Rockall, which we hope will include joining us on our expedition.

Find out more about the documentary